Three Mile Island, PA
Three Mile Island, PA (photo 3) Chickies Rock (1, 2 and photo 4, where we had lunch) "...accident was a partial nuclear meltdown of the Unit 2 reactor of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station on the Susquehanna River in Londonderry Township, near the capital city of Harrisburg, PA, March 28, 1979" The first few shots are where we had lunch, if you know about PA they have lots of Sheetz, we think they were started in PA??!?! So we had seen a rabbit, so one you might see in a persons' home and it was in the shrubs around the parking lot, we were hoping that when we did come back to our truck after our lunch with a view, we would find it again and take it to a shelter, wondering why he was there in the first place? So odd??! You could see way in the distance the island where this accident did occur. Point Rock Tunnel, Lancaster County River Trail, PA NW Lancaster County River Trail, Columbia, PA 17512 "you will see relics of the historic PA Mainline Canal t...