
Showing posts from June, 2017

P.J. Gilligan, Burkittsville, Maryland

Hey there!! I have 2 or is it 3 other trips to share before this one actually did happen in life but for some reason I just wanted to share this amazing one real quick 'cause it was so awesome. Not that the other trips were not great as well ...but this one included some awesome must see spots!!! It was a quick getaway over Memorial Day weekend. Come along with me ... & please enjoy!! What or where are we visiting today, you might ask? Well, it would be "P.J. Gilligan Dry Goods & Mercantile Co. Burkittsville, MD Est 1821" . They are frozen in the 1860s. They have a very odd open schedule, so we were super glad they were open when we drove on by. Stop in and look around, but they are only open 11-7pm on Saturdays and 12-7pm on Sundays. I love history stopping in to see some old business that might have had some great historical folks stopping in to see or visit. Look at that step ...who might have step up there? If you are ever in this

Cades Cove Methodist Church

Cades Cove Methodist Church, est. 1902, the second church on the Cades Cove loop. This was our 2nd trip to Cades Cove ... we have traveled to the Great Smoky Mtns. numerous times, a must see area of the USA!!! Please join us at "InSPIREd Sunday" . Be Well & Be Blessed!! Thanks for stopping by today. Take care. Beth ( : 

Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church

Hey Friends, long time no see... the hubby & I have started camping again I have stocked up on a few churches and cemeteries ... let's get into sharing. This week I am sharing "Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, Organized June 16th, 1827" so says the sign beside the front there. I have always loved history, but I think most recently I have really just fell madly in love with all the historical sites we get to see ...the tombstones are so amazing, I wish I could know their story ...I guess I could google them and find out more. Such history. Hope you do enjoy!!! If you ever get the chance to be in Tennessee, Great Smoky Mtns, get back Cades Cove will be amazed by the beauty. Lots to visit and see. Please don't forget your camera. Never a dull moment. Please join us at "InSPIREd Sunday" Hope you are well this week. Be Well & Be Blessed. Thank you for stopping by. Take care. Beth ( ;

Cades Cove, Tennessee

Lots to see while at Cades Cove, within The Great Smoky Mtns. It's an 11 miles loop, there are many stops to drive in and get out an explore. Stretch your legs and get in some hiking if you so desire. Such a must see. I love all the history, the style of all of these barns and buildings. I would guess when it is more prime season there would be even more going on. Even though it was off season (rainy overcast day) so to speak, the crowd was there! Such history and awesome view to see. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day! Be Well & Be Blessed!! Beth ( ;