
Showing posts from January, 2022

Pipestem State Park, WV

If you have never been to Pipestem Resort State Park, West Virginia you need to take a trip. Get into your planning books and get to planning. So pretty. So much to be seen... "4,050 acre state park, southern West VA." WOW, got into the works back in Kennedy presidency. That is wild. So happy it does exist. We love WEST VIRGINIA so so much. I don't think I can say one bad word about West VA ...the people are friendly, views are to die for and lots to see and do. We did hike this walk from our campground, so fun. A great ending to your trip in May 2021. Back to the real world is your life, good? Thank you so much for stopping by. Hope you ae well. Take Care. Beth ( ;

West Braden Springs Hotel

  When in French Lick, Indiana ...we were seeing this huge place ...was hoping for a closer view, at least a good picture of it ...this is what we got and were shocked that they don't realize that some people have no desire to really visit ...they just want a photo??! We can't be the only one who wants to do that, right??! If you wanna know more ... see here "check it out"  . Maybe you have millions and zillions of dollars to use up??! They do say on their website "create a remarkable luxury experience"??! Fun to look on. ENJOY! Thanks for stopping by. Take Care. Beth ( ;

Rabbit Hash, Kentucky

  "Rabbit Hash" Wilbur is the mayor of the town. But you'll never guess what Wilbur is?? He's french bulldog May 2020. This all started in 1998. (Please go look up the dog mayor run, it is really fun to see how long they have been voting in DOGS as the mayor. They are every where in the general store. & yes, I think we saw 4 ...and when someone was visiting with their very own dog, they had to be met ...lots of barking was happening. TOO CUTE!!) Inside shots are taken in the building with the big Coke sign (the general store, if you might be curious??!) We are thinking we were last there in 2015. In 2016 they had a fire ...having to rebuild the EXTIRE general store ...when chatting with the lady there, she said they had taken three similar aged building, piecing them ALL together (not sure you have ever been to a store that has had something similar happen to it or not? But we were just shocked??! Well done to those who worked so well and got it looking so great. ...


Punkyville, Falmouth, KY "Charles "Punky" Beckett has built his own scaled down retro town" ... HAPPY NEW YEAR, let's hope that 2022, will be a great one for us all. Got plans? Leave me a comment tell me what ya got planned for 2022? So curious.  I always love it when we find these scaled down towns that someone is willing to share ...I mean why not share and let others enjoy as well. Very cool. I loved the old mailbox. Next step up. Check it out!! ENJOY!! Thank You, for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care, Beth ( ;