Huntingburg City Park


Huntingburg City Park

"Dubois County Bombers" in Huntingburg, Indiana "A League of Their Own". 1992. With Tom Hanks, Geena Davis and Madonna ...just to name a few of the top folks. Stadium was built in 1894. Have you seen that movie before? So good. I am just amazed that they have kept the stadium looking so great. They apparently still hold game there so that is SUPER cool. We saw a worker who was there working on this and that. The room where the ladies got dressed was there, but it was not really that authentic like I recall ...and several masks laying on the floor NOT that great for pics. But it was fun to think about where Tom Hanks stood and every one else ... very NEAT!! I really enjoyed it. Now if you know anything about Beth ...I love BASEBALL. Well more than any other sport out there. I recall many a games where I sat and watched my brother Billy play t-ball. I never wanted to play myself, but I am a great spectator in the stands. We saw several professional games when I saw a kid. So lots of GOOD MEMORIES!! Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ;


Sandi said…
I was going to say it looked like A League of Their Own!
Ruth Hiebert said…
Sounds like you were able to relive some wonderful memories .
William Kendall said…
I like the look of the stadium.
Jenn Jilks said…
I enjoyed that movie. I played softball until I was 40!
Linda said…
Neat! My husband has watched that movie so many times!

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