Sculptures at Hershey Gardens

Such amazing sculptures there at "Hershey Gardens" ... let's check them out. As I say there are so many areas to walk around there at the gardens ...gorgeous trees to stand under if you are dealing with lots of sun. Great shades. Herb gardens, a perfect place for great visit no matter the season. So fun!! I think my favorite will be the butterfly girl ...she just looks so happy and free. 2nd fave is the girl smelling the rose. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you are well today. Take care. Be Well & Be Blessed! Beth ( ;


Hi all look so good, but the second shot is my favourite.

All the best Jan
eileeninmd said…
Hello, wonderful collection of sculptures and photos. I like their butterfly benches. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!
Wonderful sculptures! Especially love the little girl with the butterfly net. Your posts are always so interesting. Glad you visited me...yes, that header photo is on Crater Lake here in OR if you missed those posts. We've been trying to see some beautiful things here while we have good weather!
Sandi said…
What a cool bench!
Michelle said…
A great series of photos and sculptures!
I've never been there but these are neat sculptures!
Rose said…
Beth, I love them all...but I think Butterfly Girl is my favorite. I also love that butterfly bench.
Ruth Hiebert said…
These sculptures are beautiful.I love the little girl smelling the rose.
Linda said…
Marvelous! Perhaps I should go there.
Blogoratti said…
Those are great looking sculptures indeed. Warm greetings to you!
William Kendall said…
Some real beauties among them!
Ida said…
These are really neat.

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