Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington

Mount Rainier off the White Pass highway

I know the elevations out west are totally different than in the east where we live in Virginia. But I found there we very many similarities to the views & whatnot. Washington & Oregon do have a lot of likes to Virginia. I could definitely live out there. so gorgeous!!! but there would have to be water. I found the area we did visit of California were so water-less that I longed for my home state terribly. I don't know how folks live out there in those lands??! (those sheep are Shawn & Shelia.)

Do you recall the painter Bob Ross, well, when I see the tree above I think of how he would teach you to paint. Those tree are amazing!! I have so many other photos from this park, it was tough to narrow down the shots. Hope you had a blast viewing them too. Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, pretty images of Washington state. We passed by many lakes in the Cascades Mountains of Washington State. And Oregon had some pretty lakes by Mt Hood. Maybe it was just where you were touring? Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
Your photos are the only way I'll ever get to see that "part of town"...:)JP
Rose said…
Oh, Beth, I would not have minded if you had posted more pics. This is such a beautiful area.
Melissa said…
Great photos! We went to Mt Rainier this summer! We'd start out at the bottom and the sky would be beautiful blue, by the time we started getting to higher elevations - gray and cloudy! Two days in a row! We're pretty sure the mountain was being temperamental and didn't like us! LOL
William Kendall said…
Fun to have those mascots along!

Rainier looks invitingly beautiful!
Cache-Mire said…
Just beautiful! And on my bucket list!! Thanks for posting. ~Terri
This N That said…
Gorgeous pictures.Beth..Thanks for sharing...
Ruth Hiebert said…
I love the mountains and these pictures are fantastic.
Debbie said…
i always have that problem, picking which pictures to share in a post!! these are so beautiful, what a gorgeous blue sky and a breathtaking view!!!!
TexWisGirl said…
what a view! cute sheepies. :)
Stephanie said…
Quite the views you captured.
It is so beautiful!!!! I love your little sleepiest! xx
genie said…
Well, you have finally posted some pictures of a place I have been. WOO HOO!!! My son lives on Bainbridge Island and we have been out there on several occasions. But NOT up the mountain. These are such pretty shots.
Michelle said…
Looks like Shawn and Sheila are enjoying themselves.
LesleyAnn said…
Breathtaking! Love Shawn and Sheila!
Ida said…
Cute Sheep! - We have lots of "water" in WA state so if you ever feel the need to move you'll enjoy it. - Loving the views of Mt. Rainier.
EG CameraGirl said…
I love all those evergreens!
Linda said…
Lovely views of Washington. I've been out there but mainly to visit my husband's daughter and her family. I've been to California too and I share your opinion of the Los Angeles basin: too dry! Flat and crowded too, with dirty air!
Cindy Saul said…
That first picture is my favourite! What a stunning view!
Cindy Saul said…
That first picture is my favourite! What a stunning view!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous scenery! Finland is very flat, but I love all our small lakes and the sea.

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