Abraham Lincoln Birthplace, KY

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park, KY
2995 Lincoln Farm Road, Hodgenville, KY
(270) 358-3137

"I happen, temporarily, to occupy the White House. I am a living witness that any of your children may come here as my father' child has." -A. Lincoln

Hey there!! It was a Lincoln kind of day ...the Lincoln tour continues, if you did miss the "1st post from that day" in June 2019, please catch up! I did take several pics of his log cabin, but it was so dark inside the building that those pics didn't turn out well at all, kind of blurry and didn't give the details much respect??! I have always been a fan of log cabins, what about you? They seem so rustic and cool. Very unique! Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Be Well & Be Blessed. Beth ( ;


Ruth Hiebert said…
I think log cabins have a rustic charm. I have seen some new ones that look pretty luxurious and I could stand to live in one of them.
This N That said…
Yes, there used to be a log cabin in the family....long gone...Lovely pictures of the monument. I hope you were having a good weekend And that you have a good coming week.
William Kendall said…
The memorial is quite impressive.
Rose said…
Oh, I am definitely a fan of log cabins....and Abraham Lincoln.

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