Rock Mill, Ohio

 Rock Mill & Rock Mill Covered Bridge

1429 Rock Mill Place NW

Carroll, OH 43112

What a beauty, don't ya think? I think of the best we have ever seen, so many amazing angles to check out. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please head to that website for more historical info (if like me you are super curious and wish to know more, shocking!!! Well done my friends, so cool!!!) and amazing bits about this gorgeous beauty ...shocking to think how so many mills just fall down, falling into our history and completely forgotten all together and apparently so many folks in this US could careless. So thankful (the hubby and myself) that there are amazing folks who are willing to donate their funds to keep it alive and have indeed brought back to this amazing condition. We were in the area of Ohio ...where "Old Man's Cave" is located, this is not our first visit to that area of Ohio ...we love Ohio ...such a great area. Thank you kindly for your visit today. Hope you are well and enjoying this beginning of 2024. What have you been up to? New hobbies? Traveling? Hiking? What's been going on? Weather? Life? Friends? Family? Furry Friends? Winged Friends? Other Critters whom you take care of? Take Care. Enjoy this blessed day. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


Linda said…
Wow, a mill and a covered bridge! My mother would’ve loved it. She was a real fan of both those things. Come to think of it, I guess I got that from her.

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